Denise A. Alston, PhD, Social Psychology
500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher
Four Desires Trainer
Ayurveda Yoga Specialist
Kripalu Yoga Teacher
Hi, I‘m Denise Alston and Welcome to Spirit 1st Yoga.
I'll guide you through major life transitions and support you in maintaining your health.
Transitions: I believe every person deserves a life they love and I know that, sometimes, we can get unclear about what we want when our lives change: we retire from a loved career; we move to a new location; a relationship ends; or our children move on to their own lives.
These are transitions I am trained to help you through so you can create an amazing, fulfilling Next Phase. I use a process delineated in the text, The Four Desires, and bring together decades of yoga and psychology study and practice to empower your to create a life you deserve.
Go to What's Next?!? to see what it could do for you.
How do you stay steady while you wait for your desires to come to be? Join me in Worry-free Living.
Self-care: For many years, I struggled with Western medicine to preserve my health in a natural way and I sought out many alternative health care approaches. I learned to Take Charge! of my health most effectively through the ancient wisdom of the Science of Life: Ayurveda, the sister-science of Yoga. I use its gentle, simple methods to maintain my health into my senior years and keep me grounded. Let me share this life-changing guidance with you.
Click on Take Charge! to learn more.